ATech Training was founded in 1984 with a desire to develop products that aid instructors in presenting a hands on approach to teaching and learning the skills of diagnosing and repairing vehicles.
With this vision, ATech has become a world leader in the design and development of world class “Trainers” and courseware for the Automotive OEM, Secondary Education, Community College, Military and Technical Schools.
Looking for help on using our products or looking to purchase,
you can reach us here!
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@atech_training #ATechTraining
- Brian Palmiter
Assistant Professor of Automotive
Southwestern Community College
-Terry Rivers
Vice President
Maintenance Technical Training for Fleet Services by Cox Automotive
-Keith Greer
Unicoi County High School
Mark Spisak
Central Piedmont Community College
Tony W
High School Instructor
In January 2005, ATech became the only training equipment designer/manufacturer in the world to be Continuing Automotive Service Education (CASE™)
certified by the Automotive Service Association (ASE™).
ATech is committed to providing continuous improvement of Automotive Technical Education. This commitment is exemplified by conducting technical workshops for automotive technology instructors. Skills are maintained using the most effective learning tools, styles, techniques, and resources.
To provide instructional equipment and materials
to enhance and improve automotive technical education.
12290 Chandler Drive
Walton, KY 41094